Friday, January 13, 2006


KadafiReal Name: Yafeu A Fula [1977 - 1996]Kadafi was one of Tupac's closest friends his mother and Tupac's mother were both members of the Black Panther party. He died from a gunshot wound to the head at the age of 19. Classic Line: "Living outside the laws of this crooked world I was born touched" Taken from the song 'U Cab Be Touched'.

Muammar Qaddafi [1942-] Muammar Qaddafi is a Libyan army officer and head of state. Qaddafi led the 1969 army coup that desposed of King Idris I. In 1986 Qaddafi survived a U.S. air raid launched in response to Libya's support of Terrorism, but several of his children were hurt or killed.


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